What I Like about Periodic Drama (古装/武侠剧)
After watching lots of 再生缘 Eternal Happiness, it became my main motivation all this while. Everyday, I would be looking forward to go home to catch the drama at 9pm on Channel U.
Just wanna give an intro of this spectacular drama which I'd been chasing starring Raymond Lam 林峰 & Michelle Yip 叶璇:
Story set in Yuan Dynasty. Females are always known to be staying at home doing cooking & sewing but Meng Lijun refuse to accept the fate of a woman. She then disguised as a male (with approval from parents) to attend school to learn 四书五经. She also learnt martial arts to 行侠仗义. Meng Lijun 孟丽君, who's male identity's name is Wei Ziyin 魏子尹, was a righteous & talented lady who's 琴棋书画 always equipped with 诗词歌赋.
The Mengs was on very close-term with the Huangfus. Lijun was betrothed to Huangfu's only son, Huangfu Shaohua by her father. The Huangfus do not live in the same town and the only time Lijun met Shaohua was when they were 7 yr-olds. 15 yrs later, Huangfus came to visit Mengs to ask for her daughter's hand but Lijun had always dislike Shaohua as a kid, and refused to marry him.
It’s a really 错综复杂 storyline to the extend that I’m unable to explain them. YOU must go and watch to know. Rent it at those HK Drama Serial rental shop and you’ll know what I mean. It's definitely a periodic drama not to be missed!
Here are some sneak preview which I found though…

As the title suggests, here are my thoughts…
1. Able to wear periodic clothings/costumes.
Look at how cool those periodic costumes are? Although there are lots of layers (not like the skimpy outfits that modern ppl wear) which can be quite hot after wearing. The males would be wearing those 书生装 or 武士装 depending. The officials would be wearing something different & cool too~
And different Dynasties & different Chinese ethnics would wear differently. Notice the styles in Hans, Mongolians, Khitans, Miaos, Manchurians?

2a. Able to fight with swords & sabres.
2b. Learning martial arts & having 轻功.
In periodic dramas & novels, there’s bound to have different Sects or assassins whereby they’re fly all over the place with fighting. And then majority of their weapons would be the swords & sabers. Those 闯江湖 ppl would always be on their search for some secret manual, hidden at some mountain or tombstone. Some martial arts movements would be marked in caves or mountains for the hero to discover it! So invincible can one be once the secret manual is discovered!
3. Able to ride hose
It seemed like there’s no need to take up horse riding session in the olden days. EVERYONE just seem to know how to ride horses! You’d only see horse scenes during war or escape. Or when lovers 策马奔腾 on the grass plains or desserts! Especially for Mongolians roles in the drama. Hehe~

4. Able to eat at an inn and at the same time eavesdropping for the latest gossip.
The inn seemed to be the most well-informed place in the city. All the latest 武林大会 would be discussed there and also about some of the known sword masters who happened to be a 衙门的通缉犯 or something.
Can you imagine living your life without TV or Radio to know the latest news? But instead, trying hanging out at hawker centres or tea houses to find out the latest news? That would be so interesting! Haha! One would also be able to witness some fighting scenes in inn when 2 loggerheads of enemy meet. Then will go "Ha Ha Ha! 今天竟然再次见面...不愧是天祝我也!" Then followed by some 笑里藏刀...
5. Able to walk from town to town
Just imagine walking from Boon Lay to Tampines, seeking shelters around the way, meeting all sorts of ppl, seeing ppl in sedans, being robbed. Being helped by heroes etc.
All the heroes have extinct in this modern era. Really gotta give it to Tang Sanzang for walking from Chang An China to India. But he spent 16 years with his 3 precious disciples. And Ziwei (From Huanzhu Gege) walking from Jinan to Beijing to look for Qianlong after her mother’s death…hahaha….
6. Able to be close to natureHas a connection with no.5, cos if you were to keep walking in order to reach your destination, you’re bound to walk passed forest, river streams, farms, huts, beach etc. I’m really full of envy with ppl living in the olden times. But the water probably won’t be too clean la~ Hahaha…but yet those adventure seekers would juz drink water from the river just like that. Who knows who bath or poo inside? HAHA!
7. Able to play Chinese instruments like flute, zither, pipa, erhu
Back in the olden days, either you know sword fighting or you know music. It started from the Tang Dynasty as a form of entertainment and it slowly became a form of hobby & art appreciation. So, if one were to like studying, he/she would also have to learn music instruments.
Flute is most commonly use cos it's light & portable, one is able to play it anywhere & everywhere as & when he/she feels like it, especially heroes who play them to think of their love. Men usually will taken fancy for women who plays the zither or pipa cos they are very feminine instruments. Very oriental…
8. Able to seek shelter at a kind old couple’s hut on rainy days, or at any available pavilions, or deserted temples
As mentioned in front, if one were to venture to another place. If you don't have your sleeping gears with you, you'd have to seek shelter in strangers house to put a night at some deserted temples or something. It's kind of cool yeah but I think it's not suitable for 娇生惯养 ppl ba? Although I'm one of those but I actually don't mind if I've some 武功盖世的护花使者 with me to fight off baddies to protect me!! HAHA! *花痴*
9. Able to go to Festival celebrations like Mid-Autumn Lantern, 端午节,中原节,牛郎织女节 etc
Awww…the streets would always be busking with people whenever there was such occasions. Ppl carrying lanterns or dressing up nicely in their periodic clothings. The Chinese would also have lots of occasions to celebrate and it's fun to be able to participate in all the fun. How come modern life don't have one?
10a. Able to watch street performance
10.b Able to put up performance free of charge without having to apply Public Entertainment License
Street performance are a way of 谋生, to earn some living. Just like selling food, accessories, equipments etc. It's usually 耍杂技, or sell 跌打药酒 or just 卖唱 to show off talents on the streets. You don't even need to apply anything, juz chop the best spot and begin your day to earn some money for a meal or something. Cool right? If only modern ppl are able to do the same too. Sigh…
Plot of a Typical period drama
1. Background
-There's always a Central Figure in the story, be it male or female. He or she will be on a mission and always on the move, traveling from one place to another.
-It's probably a Dynasty whereby there would be rebellions who want to overthrow the Emperor.
-Current Emperor will either be a wise & righteous & powerful one or one who is controlled like a puppet by Evil Advisors
2. Storyline
-Lots of sects vying to be the ruler of martial arts. Has lots of 武林大会. At some point of time, the leader of a certain sect will die or be killed and the hero of the story would be appointed as the new leader.
-Romancing back in those days include having tea & chat, playing music, female making embroidery or cooking or other talents, male would teach horse riding, martial arts etc.
-大家闺秀 falls for scholars, poor farmer's son falls for 千斤大小姐, 千斤 falls for 习武大侠, 文武双全 guy falls for tomboyish girls and different story develops.
-Usually hero will have lots of different options cos he/she is too outstanding. However the final choices are always 意想不到的.
3. Ending
-Alas, story has damn lots of twists & turns. Romance, mission/tasks, restoring, revenge, responsibilities, 两败俱伤 or 恶有恶报.
Take a look at Jin Yong's novels 金庸小说 and you'll know what I mean. HAHA! I really wish to be living in the periodic times man…
Just wanna give an intro of this spectacular drama which I'd been chasing starring Raymond Lam 林峰 & Michelle Yip 叶璇:
Story set in Yuan Dynasty. Females are always known to be staying at home doing cooking & sewing but Meng Lijun refuse to accept the fate of a woman. She then disguised as a male (with approval from parents) to attend school to learn 四书五经. She also learnt martial arts to 行侠仗义. Meng Lijun 孟丽君, who's male identity's name is Wei Ziyin 魏子尹, was a righteous & talented lady who's 琴棋书画 always equipped with 诗词歌赋.
The Mengs was on very close-term with the Huangfus. Lijun was betrothed to Huangfu's only son, Huangfu Shaohua by her father. The Huangfus do not live in the same town and the only time Lijun met Shaohua was when they were 7 yr-olds. 15 yrs later, Huangfus came to visit Mengs to ask for her daughter's hand but Lijun had always dislike Shaohua as a kid, and refused to marry him.
It’s a really 错综复杂 storyline to the extend that I’m unable to explain them. YOU must go and watch to know. Rent it at those HK Drama Serial rental shop and you’ll know what I mean. It's definitely a periodic drama not to be missed!
Here are some sneak preview which I found though…
As the title suggests, here are my thoughts…
1. Able to wear periodic clothings/costumes.
Look at how cool those periodic costumes are? Although there are lots of layers (not like the skimpy outfits that modern ppl wear) which can be quite hot after wearing. The males would be wearing those 书生装 or 武士装 depending. The officials would be wearing something different & cool too~
And different Dynasties & different Chinese ethnics would wear differently. Notice the styles in Hans, Mongolians, Khitans, Miaos, Manchurians?
2a. Able to fight with swords & sabres.
2b. Learning martial arts & having 轻功.
In periodic dramas & novels, there’s bound to have different Sects or assassins whereby they’re fly all over the place with fighting. And then majority of their weapons would be the swords & sabers. Those 闯江湖 ppl would always be on their search for some secret manual, hidden at some mountain or tombstone. Some martial arts movements would be marked in caves or mountains for the hero to discover it! So invincible can one be once the secret manual is discovered!
3. Able to ride hose
It seemed like there’s no need to take up horse riding session in the olden days. EVERYONE just seem to know how to ride horses! You’d only see horse scenes during war or escape. Or when lovers 策马奔腾 on the grass plains or desserts! Especially for Mongolians roles in the drama. Hehe~
4. Able to eat at an inn and at the same time eavesdropping for the latest gossip.
The inn seemed to be the most well-informed place in the city. All the latest 武林大会 would be discussed there and also about some of the known sword masters who happened to be a 衙门的通缉犯 or something.
Can you imagine living your life without TV or Radio to know the latest news? But instead, trying hanging out at hawker centres or tea houses to find out the latest news? That would be so interesting! Haha! One would also be able to witness some fighting scenes in inn when 2 loggerheads of enemy meet. Then will go "Ha Ha Ha! 今天竟然再次见面...不愧是天祝我也!" Then followed by some 笑里藏刀...
5. Able to walk from town to town
Just imagine walking from Boon Lay to Tampines, seeking shelters around the way, meeting all sorts of ppl, seeing ppl in sedans, being robbed. Being helped by heroes etc.
All the heroes have extinct in this modern era. Really gotta give it to Tang Sanzang for walking from Chang An China to India. But he spent 16 years with his 3 precious disciples. And Ziwei (From Huanzhu Gege) walking from Jinan to Beijing to look for Qianlong after her mother’s death…hahaha….
6. Able to be close to natureHas a connection with no.5, cos if you were to keep walking in order to reach your destination, you’re bound to walk passed forest, river streams, farms, huts, beach etc. I’m really full of envy with ppl living in the olden times. But the water probably won’t be too clean la~ Hahaha…but yet those adventure seekers would juz drink water from the river just like that. Who knows who bath or poo inside? HAHA!
7. Able to play Chinese instruments like flute, zither, pipa, erhu
Back in the olden days, either you know sword fighting or you know music. It started from the Tang Dynasty as a form of entertainment and it slowly became a form of hobby & art appreciation. So, if one were to like studying, he/she would also have to learn music instruments.
Flute is most commonly use cos it's light & portable, one is able to play it anywhere & everywhere as & when he/she feels like it, especially heroes who play them to think of their love. Men usually will taken fancy for women who plays the zither or pipa cos they are very feminine instruments. Very oriental…
8. Able to seek shelter at a kind old couple’s hut on rainy days, or at any available pavilions, or deserted temples
As mentioned in front, if one were to venture to another place. If you don't have your sleeping gears with you, you'd have to seek shelter in strangers house to put a night at some deserted temples or something. It's kind of cool yeah but I think it's not suitable for 娇生惯养 ppl ba? Although I'm one of those but I actually don't mind if I've some 武功盖世的护花使者 with me to fight off baddies to protect me!! HAHA! *花痴*
9. Able to go to Festival celebrations like Mid-Autumn Lantern, 端午节,中原节,牛郎织女节 etc
Awww…the streets would always be busking with people whenever there was such occasions. Ppl carrying lanterns or dressing up nicely in their periodic clothings. The Chinese would also have lots of occasions to celebrate and it's fun to be able to participate in all the fun. How come modern life don't have one?
10a. Able to watch street performance
10.b Able to put up performance free of charge without having to apply Public Entertainment License
Street performance are a way of 谋生, to earn some living. Just like selling food, accessories, equipments etc. It's usually 耍杂技, or sell 跌打药酒 or just 卖唱 to show off talents on the streets. You don't even need to apply anything, juz chop the best spot and begin your day to earn some money for a meal or something. Cool right? If only modern ppl are able to do the same too. Sigh…
Plot of a Typical period drama
1. Background
-There's always a Central Figure in the story, be it male or female. He or she will be on a mission and always on the move, traveling from one place to another.
-It's probably a Dynasty whereby there would be rebellions who want to overthrow the Emperor.
-Current Emperor will either be a wise & righteous & powerful one or one who is controlled like a puppet by Evil Advisors
2. Storyline
-Lots of sects vying to be the ruler of martial arts. Has lots of 武林大会. At some point of time, the leader of a certain sect will die or be killed and the hero of the story would be appointed as the new leader.
-Romancing back in those days include having tea & chat, playing music, female making embroidery or cooking or other talents, male would teach horse riding, martial arts etc.
-大家闺秀 falls for scholars, poor farmer's son falls for 千斤大小姐, 千斤 falls for 习武大侠, 文武双全 guy falls for tomboyish girls and different story develops.
-Usually hero will have lots of different options cos he/she is too outstanding. However the final choices are always 意想不到的.
3. Ending
-Alas, story has damn lots of twists & turns. Romance, mission/tasks, restoring, revenge, responsibilities, 两败俱伤 or 恶有恶报.
Take a look at Jin Yong's novels 金庸小说 and you'll know what I mean. HAHA! I really wish to be living in the periodic times man…