It was a DAMN NICE!! DAMN TOUCHING MOVIE!! It was damn worth every penny of your movie tics and your time!!!

There weren't a lot of dialogues in the movie. Just actions, expressions.

Wall-e was being manufactured to clear up the earth's rubbish. Apparently he was the ONLY robot being forgotten and left there alone. His only friend was a cockroach, until one day there was another robot who entered earth looking for signals of life...

That robot was Eve, sleek white robot who came seeking for life. Wall-e was elated and wanted to be her friend but she seem fierce until he brought her to his sack with many interesting things he collected... he showed her a plant where Eve took it and went into hibernation.

Wall-e panicked and tried to get her to function again but to no avail. He's been deeply influenced by the 60s musical plays on tape her found from the human civilization. He had long to hold hands with someone and that someone was Eve!

Awww... And then the spaceship came and took Eve away. Wall-e followed suit into Space. As it turned out... Earth could no longer be lived and humans all have a colonization in space!!! They were served by robots and they become fat ppl...

What happen next was a series of chase, space scenes, looking signs of life, and the antagonist is actually the 'auto pilot' of the spaceship!! Hehe...

Eve's so cute when she realised that Wall-e was the one who stood by her when she went into hibernation!

The aim of the captain of the spaceship was find signs of life in Earth so that he could bring his ppl back to mother nature. Eve found it but auto pilot do not want everyone to go back to earth and tried to destroy it.

Wall-e & Eve tried ways & means to find back the plant and through these, Wall-e went malfunction and was spoilt... Eve was crushed and decided to go back to earth to find space parts of Wall-e to save him.

I teared that when Eve fixed him, he couldn't remember her at all. Eve was soooo sad because she finally held his hand but he couldn't remember her... But after a while, Wall-e's eyes shifted and shooked his head and finally remembered Eve!!!!!

The story ended there with the captain bringing his ppl back to earth and began a civilisation back on earth again.... Awww....